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easy tahini recipe

it’s taken soo long but i’m finally putting a tahini recipe out there! it’s soo easy and simple and only takes 2 ingredients! sure, you can vary it by adding salt or even garlic in some cases, but i love mine simple and i love to add it to just about anything!

if you’ve never had tahini, all it is is blending white sesame seeds in a food processor or a high power blender with your favorite neutral oil, et voilà! it tastes deep, earthy, and nutty! most tahini recipes i’ve come across are extremely smooth and thinner in consistency. they’re also quite light in color. i enjoy mine a little thicker with a deeper color. this color comes from the toasting process of my sesame seeds! i feel like it gives the tahini a richer taste!

you can add tahini to baked goods like brownies and cookies, but it’s also amazing in salads and hummus or any other dip! so easy but let me walk you through the key points below!

makes about 1 cup of tahini

1 1/2 cup white sesame seeds (hulled)
4-6 tablespoons neutral oil


place sesame seeds in a medium pan over low medium heat. mix around with a rubber spatula constantly to avoid burning. when the sesame seeds start toasting, you’ll hear light sizzling or popping noises. toast until all or most are light golden brown. this can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes depending on level of heat. immediately transfer to heat safe bowl or plate. i’m usually in a rush so i spread seeds out on a larger plate to cool more quickly in the fridge.

once completely cooled, place all seeds into food processor or high power blender. blend until seeds are thoroughly crushed and come together slightly in a crumbly mixture.

add oil 1-2 tablespoons at a time. blending well and scraping down the sides between additions. only add more to reach the consistency desired. you may end up using less or more than the suggested amount.

blend until smooth. i like mine to resemble a thick and slow running peanut butter. you may want yours to have a thinner consistency.

use right away or place into a jar or air tight container and store in the fridge for up to 1 month.

stick around to see how i use this amazing and simple tahini!